Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Apple & Pear Crumble Pie

I hope you enjoy this Pie as much as we did :) Your whole kitchen will smell like heaven while you make this! 


In a large bowl:
- Dice 3 apple and 3 pears
- Season them with 2teaspoons of Cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg
- Add the juice of one orange
- Add 2Tablespoons of Maple Syrup
Mix well and place the mixture in a greased round baking pan. Bake for 45 minutes at 170c.

Meanwhile in a another medium bowl mix the topping:
-1/2 cup of almond flour (I blend raw almonds in the food processor)
-1/2 cup of chopped pecans
-1/4 cup of Maple syrup
-2TBSP of Coconut oil

- After you take the pie out of the oven, cover it fully with the topping mixture (make sure to cover fully without gaps).

- Put it back in oven at the same temperature for another 25 minutes. (check in between to see that it doesn't get burnt). It should be browned up once its ready.

I like to drizzle 90% dark chocolate (just two blocks  for the whole pie). I like how the bitterness of the dark chocolate evens out the sweetness of the pear and apples! I also like chocolatey desserts in general so you can totally skip this part if you wish :) 

It is best eaten fresh out of the oven! Enjoy :)

I forgot to take a picture of the whole pie until i already served them on our plates, it smelt too good and was very tempting :)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Camping Eats

Full moon, shining stars and the magical blue waves is one of the reasons this camping trip was one of my favorites. However, there is something about camping trips that makes us hungry all the time! So i always make sure i am well prepared with healthy snacks for snacking guilt free throughout the trip :)

We left on Thursday afternoon, so for dinner my sister in law made pasta on the portable cooker and of course I made sure to bring organic brown rice spaghetti for all of us, it was so yummy!


Then it was snacking time. This time I made Matcha Coconut Bliss Balls, Chocolate Oat Chunks and Healthy Nutella! They were all so delicious, we had them along with fresh lemongrass tea brewed over Omani sumr (mesquite) firewood throughout the night. We also had some chips, I always have some "healthier" version of chips with me when we go camping so i don't feel left out :) This time i got some Kale chips, Potato chips and Vegetable chips. I bought them from Germany they are all organic and with minimal ingredients and of course no additives just how i like it :D


For breakfast the next day I had already prepared Overnight Oats and brought them with us in a cool box. We topped it with slices of bananas, pomegranates and homemade Granola. It was just perfect!!

For lunch my husband (with the help of our children) made us Qabooli, which is a traditional Dhofari dish. The chicken was boiled then marinated, wrapped in foil and baked over the firewood. Meanwhile the rice was being cooked. It was spectacular!!

We later had some more tea, opened up a watermelon and had some other fruits as well.


 It was such an amazing camping trip, pictures don't do justice! The best part (other than being and spending quality time with loved ones without the busy life demands) is being prepared and having healthy options and guiltless snacks with us to really enjoy :)


P.s no camping trip is complete without a book to read :)


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pea & Mint Soup

This soup is so easy to make with the simplest ingredients! The flavors of the mint mixed with the peas makes it so refreshing and aromatic.

Recipe (2-3 people)
 1/2 an Onion peeled and finely chopped
 1 Garlic clove peeled and finely chopped
 2 Celery sticks finely chopped
 3 cups of organic frozen peas (found at Lulu)
 3 TBSP of finely chopped fresh mint
 1300ml of water
 Salt & Pepper to taste
 Lemon/lime (optional but recommended!)

 - Place the onion, garlic, celery and peas in a pan and cover with 1000ml water and bring to a boil.
- Once boiling reduce the heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes.
- In a food processor blend the soup with the chopped mint until its smooth. (you might need to use the remaining 300ml of water here if it becomes too thick)
- Reheat if you like and serve immediately.
- Sprinkle with salt & Pepper.

Tip: squeeze some lemon/lime on top, it enhances the flavor of this soup :D