Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Apple & Pear Crumble Pie

I hope you enjoy this Pie as much as we did :) Your whole kitchen will smell like heaven while you make this! 


In a large bowl:
- Dice 3 apple and 3 pears
- Season them with 2teaspoons of Cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg
- Add the juice of one orange
- Add 2Tablespoons of Maple Syrup
Mix well and place the mixture in a greased round baking pan. Bake for 45 minutes at 170c.

Meanwhile in a another medium bowl mix the topping:
-1/2 cup of almond flour (I blend raw almonds in the food processor)
-1/2 cup of chopped pecans
-1/4 cup of Maple syrup
-2TBSP of Coconut oil

- After you take the pie out of the oven, cover it fully with the topping mixture (make sure to cover fully without gaps).

- Put it back in oven at the same temperature for another 25 minutes. (check in between to see that it doesn't get burnt). It should be browned up once its ready.

I like to drizzle 90% dark chocolate (just two blocks  for the whole pie). I like how the bitterness of the dark chocolate evens out the sweetness of the pear and apples! I also like chocolatey desserts in general so you can totally skip this part if you wish :) 

It is best eaten fresh out of the oven! Enjoy :)

I forgot to take a picture of the whole pie until i already served them on our plates, it smelt too good and was very tempting :)

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