Sunday, January 8, 2017


 Have you heard of Matcha? Recently it has been the hype everywhere! When we were in Europe last summer I was surprised at how almost all healthy coffee shops served something with Matcha whether it was Matcha tea, Matcha latte, Matcha shakes and even infused Matcha snacks or deserts!

There is a good reason why Matcha has become so popular and that is because of its amazing quality properties. Matcha basically is a concentrated powder form of green tea and the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed and that is why it delivers more of the healthful elements than other green teas.

Matcha tea has so much more antioxidants than all the berries combined! It has a specific antioxidant called ECGe which is mostly recognized for its cancer fighting properties. It also has much more natural caffeine than a regular green tea. Matcha also keeps you calm while giving you the energy boost that you need which is a very rare and special combination.

Matcha is excellent for detoxification because of its high chlorophyll content, it also fortifies the immune system. It aids in weight loss because of its non caloric content, high fiber content, high metabolism rates and burning fat factors.

I love Matcha tea. I usually put one to two teaspoons of Matcha powder in my mug and mix it with a little bit of hot water (not boiling water) and whisk it for a minute before pouring in the rest of the hot water. To sweeten it you may add a few drops of honey or whichever sweetener you use i personally like it without any sweeteners. My sister in law loves it cold, she shakes it in her bottle with cold water and ice and sips on it throughout the day for energy!  I really love its health benefits and am planning to include it in more of my future recipes :)

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