Monday, January 30, 2017

Cauliflower Veggie Rice

This dish could be used as a main meal or a side dish. I usually have it as my main dish because I love it too much! It is very easy to make, very nutritious, doesn't require much time and the best part about it is that it is very filling even though its only vegetables :)

Recipe: (1-2people or more if served as a side dish)

Cauliflower rice:
- 1/4 of a Cauliflower (florets only without the greens).
- make sure you wash and drain it very well in the strainer so its very dry.
- mix it in the food processor and set aside.

- 1TBSP of coconut oil for stir frying the vegetables
- 1/4 of an onion
- handful of string beans
- 1 carrot
- 1 cup of organic peas
- bunch of spring onions

Sauté the onions, then add the rest of the vegetables (except for the spring onions). Leave it on low/medium heat covered for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile make your Sauce:
- 2TBSP of Tamari Sauce (a healthier version of soya sauce. Unfortunately we don't have it in Oman, if you happen to find it here please let me know!)
- A small piece of ginger (grated).

Add the Sauce to the Vegetables, add some chilli flakes. Mix well.
Add the Cauliflower rice and mix in (not more than a minute!)

Enjoy :)

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