Friday, October 28, 2016

Acai Energy Bowl

I have been obsessed with my Acai Bowl recently! I love how refreshing it is in the mornings. It is filled with antioxidants and it is a chance for me to add all my super foods in :D

For my Acai Bowl I blend:
-1/4 cup of organic frozen berries
-A few organic frozen strawberries
-1 frozen banana
-1tsp of Acai Powder
-A little bit of nut milk or water just to blend to the desired consistency.
-Optional: I also like to add a little bit of Spirulina and Maca Powder.

After it's all blended in the food processor, I serve it on my bowl and add all my wonderful toppings, that is my favorite and most fun part!

I like adding Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Flax seeds, Cacao nibs, Coconut shreds, sliced Bananas, Raspberries and Pomegranates, Hazelnut or Peanut butter (any mixed nut butter) and homemade Granola or some chopped Nuts. It is absolutely delicious!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Buckwheat & Quinoa Noodles with Vegetables

The most important thing in this dish is to choose healthy noodles. When I was in London this summer for vacation (check out my out&about to see my favorite healthy places to eat in London if you haven't already), I bought many different types of healthy pasta made from healthy ingredients such as Mung bean & edamame, chickpeas, lentils, black beans and so on. For this meal I used Buckwheat noodles with Quinoa.

Buckwheat is an ancient grain that is gluten free and provides high source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is high in protein and fiber with very few calories and no fat. It supports heart health, prevents diabetes and improves the digestive system. Buckwheat is similar to Quinoa where they both contain more starch and less fat then many other types of seeds which makes it easy to be replaced instead of whole grains. I have already mentioned the benefits of Quinoa in my previous post (Quinoa, Tofu & Avocado Veggie bowl with Tahini dressing). Check it out if you're interested :)

Today was one of those days where I got so busy that I completely forgot to plan our dinner so I chose this type of noodles, made some sauce and put it all together and it turned out very good! It took 15 minutes to get this ready :D

-Dice some vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper.. whatever you have in the fridge)
-Saute the vegetables in a little bit of coconut oil
-Add diced Tofu (or not) 
-Season with salt & pepper or any seasonings of your choice 
-Add blended tomato juice
-Pour it on top of your noodles
-Optional: Add some cashews


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Date and Hazelnut Smoothie

If you have a Nutribullet blender you will probable understand why I enjoy making smoothies! It is too easy, take NO time and makes no mess! I love it too much.

I usually make up things to please my cravings using whatever I have in my pantry. Today I really felt like i needed something sweet and cold and that is how this smoothie was invented :D

Here is what you need:
-1 ripe banana
-3 dates
-1/2 a cup of Hazelnut milk
-1TBSP of Hazelnut butter
-Pinch of cinnamon
-A few ice cubes
-1tsp Maca powder (optional)
Blend and Enjoy! 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Grilled Fish (Mahi Mahi) and Avocado Salad

Whenever my husband goes fishing and gets back with fish this is our lunch the next day :)

Fish is a really good source of protein as long as you limit its intake so you don't overdose yourself with Mercury! I like to marinate my fish with minimal seasonings just black pepper, Himalayan salt, lemon and turmeric powder. We then BBQ it.

For the Salad, basically whatever cut vegetables you like and an avocado. I like to add a few raisins and walnuts as well. For the dressing the basic just salt & pepper, olive oil and vinegar. I used raw coconut vinegar this time (I got this from the bio organic store in Dubai)