Monday, August 8, 2016


You probably have noticed that many of my breakfasts include Oatmeal! 

Oatmeal is a great carbohydrate and protein source that could provide you the calories and energy that you need to go throughout your busy mornings. It is also full of fiber which will keep you full for long. It is the perfect way to start your day because it maintains your insulin level, stabilizes your blood sugar so it does not spike up.  Because of its low glycemic index, it prevents diabetes. it also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Oatmeal contains lignans which protects against heart diseases and cancers. It also enhances immune responses to diseases and promotes antioxidant activity. Oatmeal also reduces appetite which helps weight control. Could I say anything more?!

I love how Oatmeal is so versatile! If you know you will have an early and busy morning you can always prepare it the night before (check out my overnight oats post if you haven't already). There are so many ways to eat your oatmeal! You can change the consistency by adding more or less milk or/and water and changing the type of milk (oats, rice or any nut milk). The best part is that you can always change the taste by the way you top it (fruits, dried fruits, nuts, sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup, granola, nut butters, coconut shreds, cacao nibs, chocolate chips, coconut chips.. etc,)!

You can even add it to soups to thicken it. You can make healthy cupcakes, energy bars/balls, cookies, pancakes (check out my pancake post if you haven't already) and smoothies with it! It enhances the flavor of anything you add it to and also increases its nutritional values :) Oatmeal recipe's are endless! 

How do you like to have your oatmeal in the morning?

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