Thursday, December 14, 2017

No-Tella Hazelnut Spread

This is an updated version of the Valentine Hazelnut Spread from a few months back. This spread is really our favourite and the best part about it is that its kids approved!

I have mentioned earlier that when I started my healthy journey I promised myself never to buy a Nutella jar for the house again. I kept on trying to make a hazelnut spread that is delicious and nutritious without all the added sugars and junk that are in the store brought jars so we could enjoy it without harming our bodies and feeling guilty.

This No-Tella Hazelnut is made with only the best ingredients, its creamy and delicious. You could spread it on your choice of bread, rice crackers or pancakes. You can use it as a dip for fruits, as a topping to your nice creams and porridges, or just enjoy a spoonful of it by itself like I do :D

Recipe (1 small jar)

1 cup of hazelnuts 
1/8 cup of raw coconut sugar
1/8 cup of organic maple syrup
1TBSP + 1tsp of raw cacao powder
1/2 TBSP coconut oil
1/8 cup of water + 1TBSP for later to make it even more creamy if needed

- Pre heat your oven to 200c.
- Roast your hazelnuts for 20 minutes.
- Let them cool then rub them with your hands or a dishtowel to remove the skins as much as possible (it is alright if you can't get all the skin out).
- Blend all in a food processor for 5 minutes, it will start to become smooth.
- Once its smooth, add in the coconut sugar, cacao powder, maple syrup, coconut oil and water.
- Blend again until its all well combined and enjoy!

*Keep refrigerated for up to a week :)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Pea Soup topped with Citrus Avocado

I posted a pea & mint soup before on the blog which happens to be one of our favourites. I wanted to make another pea soup since we love peas and their benefits!

Even though peas are low in fat, they are high in many macronutrients, fibre and protein. Peas are anti-inflammatory, excellent for digestion, regulates blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, promotes good eyesight, strengthens the immune system and prevents stomach cancer. It is also healthy for the heart, bones and the environment!

This soup is super easy to make and it only takes 10 minutes! The avocado at the end really makes a difference in the taste, i can't imagine this soup without the avocados.

I hope you enjoy it as mush as we do :)

Recipe (2-3 people)

1tsp coconut oil
1 onion (diced)
1 garlic clove (minced)
1 cup frozen organic peas
*500ml vegetable broth
Sea salt and Pepper to taste
1 avocado
1 lime (juice)
a few mint leaves

*I sometimes use water and add 1/4 of a yeast free veg stock cube to make in instant vegetable broth when I don't have any fresh made broth.

- Heat the coconut oil over medium heat and sauté the onions and the garlic.
- Add the peas and stir well.
- Pour in the vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper.
- cover the saucepan and let it cook for 5 minutes.
- Meanwhile, combine the avocado cubes with the lime juice, a few chopped mint and little salt then keep aside.
- Take out 2 tablespoons of the peas from the saucepan and keep aside.
- Blend the soup in a blender with the remaining mint.
- Before transferring to your serving dish, add the remaining peas that you left behind.
- Finally, add the avocados to your bowl of soup and enjoy :)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Creamy Spinach & Mushroom with Potato Cake

I love the combination of mushrooms, onions and spinach! I also am the biggest potato fan, I love them in all forms :D

This recipe is super easy to make, doesn't require much time and is absolutely delicious!

Creamy Spinach & Mushroom Recipe
1tsp coconut oil
Mixture of different types of mushrooms
1/2 a pack of frozen organic spinach
1 small onion (slices into rings)
*1/2 cup of Soya cream
Handful of parsley (chopped)
Salt & pepper to taste

*My favourite Soya cream is by the brand "provamel", i will include a photo below. Unfortunately we don't have it in Oman. I usually get it when I travel. You will be able to find it in Dubai at the organic foods and cafe store :)

- Heat the pan with the oil.
- Sauté the onion with the mushrooms.
- Add salt & pepper.
- Close the lid for a few minutes and let it cook.
- Add the spinach and stir.
- Add the creme and mix together.
- Garnish with parsley.

Potato Cake Recipe
2 Potatoes
1 tsp of coconut oil

- Boil, peel & grate the potatoes.
- Mix it all together and form a ball.
- Heat the skillet with coconut oil.
- Divide and add a potato patty on the pan and press down so its thin.
- Pan fry it. (flip it in between so its all browned up)

I like to put the potato cake on the bottom of the place and place the cream mushroom and spinach on the top.

The kids love this dish as well, but i replace the spinach with quinoa penne pasta or brown rice pasta. It's so delicious!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Vegan Banana Loaf

I have always loved banana breads, especially when I was living abroad. However all the banana breads i came across had to include wheat, gluten and refined sugars. I am so pleased to make my own guiltless banana bread at home and I hope that you will enjoy it as well :)

Recipe (One Loaf)

Wet Ingredients:
3 medium ripe bananas (make sure they are extra ripe)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey (maple syrup for vegan)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1TBSP chia seeds mixed in 3TBSP water (stir in a bowl and leave it for 15 minutes-this is a replacement of one egg)

Dry Ingredients:
1 cup of oat flour (blended oats)
1 cup of almond flour (blended almonds)
1/4 cup of pecan flour (blended pecans)
1 tsp of baking powder (aluminium free)
1/2 tsp of baking soda (yeast free)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)

- Pre heat oven to 150c.
- Add all wet ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
- Add all the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients except for the walnuts.
- Mix everything well.
- Add in the chopped walnuts and pour batter into a loaf pan (lined with parchment paper).
- Spread even with a spatula.
- You can now add some walnuts, sliced bananas or pecans on the top for design (optional).
- Bake for one hour, broil for 3-5 minutes.
- Keep it to cool.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Falafel with a Sesame Dip and Beetroot & Carrot Salad

This meal is absolutely delicious! It is full of flavour, very nutritious and lovely to look at. It is definitely a perfect meal for gatherings. The combination of the falafel with the Beetroot and Carrot salad is exquisite.

The Falafel's main ingredient is chickpeas which is an excellent source of protein, fiber, iron, calcium and magnesium. It is also known for reducing cholesterol and inflammation levels.

Beetroot and Carrots are both good sources of antioxidants. They prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure, boosts immunity, controls diabetes, improves eyesight, lowers inflammations, help in digestion and prevents cancer. 

I grew up loving falafel, however in most places they are deeply fried. After making those healthy falafels I don't think I can have the deep fried ones again! They are perfect for me, I hope you enjoy them as much I do :)

This post will have four recipe: Falafel recipe, Sesame Dip recipe, Beetroot & Carrot Salad recipe and Sesame Orange Dressing recipe. You can make the Beetroot Salad by itself if you wish or pair it with something else, your choice!

Falafel Recipe (3-5 people)
1.5 cups of chickpeas (soaked overnight)
1 cup parsley
1/4 cup coriander
2 tsp chopped mint
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt 
1 tsp baking powder 
3 TBSP of blended/grounded rice cakes (I use Kallo organic unsalted whole grain rice cakes from Alfair )
- Blend all in a food processor until its sticky enough to form balls.
- Measure a tablespoon in a scoop and align the falafel patties on a parchment paper on a baking tray.
- Bake at 200c for 20 minutes or pan fry without oil or a bit of coconut oil depending on the skillet you have for a few minutes on each side. Both methods work perfectly!

Sesame Dip Recipe
1/4 cup roasted sesames (roast them for a few minutes in a pan)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 lime  
1/4 tsp garlic powder
pinch of salt & pepper
- Blend and drizzle on the Falafels!

Beetroot & Carrot Salad Recipe
1 Carrot (spiralized)
1 small Beetroot (spiralized or cut into strings)
a few Pumpkin seeds
a few Sunflower seeds
a few Raisins
a few Goji Berries (optional)

Sesame Orange Dressing Recipe
2 TBSP freshly squeezed orange juice
1.5 TBSP Sesame Dip
a pinch of cumin
-Pour over the Salad and mix well.

Enjoy :)

P.s If you feel like you have too many falafels, you can store them in the  freezer and bake them another day.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sun Dried Tomato Sauce

I have mentioned in my earlier post that I have been experimenting with adding sun dried tomatoes in my recipes since I had recently bought them. Well let me just say that I never knew how much flavour sun dried tomatoes adds to a meal until recently, hence the excitement :)

This red sauce is so tasty that I have been using it as a base for my Vegan Pizza, as a sauce to my zucchini noodles/healthy pastas, as a filling for my stuffed bell peppers and as a lasagne sauce for my zucchini Lasagne.  You can really use this sauce for anything that needs a tomato sauce!

The ingredients are so little and it is so easy to make. All you need is a blender, no cooking required!

Recipe (1-2 portions)

1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes (soaked in water for a few minutes until its soft)
1 small tomato
1/4 small chopped onion
1 clove of chopped garlic
1/2 a lime
1 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
pinch of salt & pepper

- Mix all the ingredients in a small food processor and add to your dishes for extra flavour!

Tip: You can double/triple the recipe and store in an air tight container for up to a month in the fridge!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Avocado, Cashews and Sun Dried Tomato Pasta

Recently I have been adding sun dried tomatoes in many of my recipes. I found some organic sun dried tomatoes at Carrefour Seeb the last time i was there and started to experiment with it. I must say this pasta sauce is so creamy and delicious you would never believe its vegan!

The Avocado and Cashews make it so creamy while the Sun dried tomatoes give it the perfect saltiness. The best part about this pasta is that it takes less than 20 minutes to make :)

Recipe (5 people)

3 cups of brown rice pasta (I used elbow type, but any kind would do)
1 avocado
1/2 cup chopped sun dried tomato
1/4 cup cashews
1/4 cup cilantro 
1/4 cup parsley 
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp red pepper flakes
2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
3 TBSP water

- Cook the pasta as per package instructions to al dente. Reserve 1/2 cup of the drained water for mixing later.
- Meanwhile Combine all the rest of the ingredients in a food processor for about 5 minutes until its almost smooth (there will still be bits of unprocessed cashews which is fine).
- Once blended, transfer to a large mixing bowl, add the pasta and the 1/2  cup reserved drained water and mix well together.
- Serve warm and enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Pumpkin Soup

This Pumpkin Soup is super easy to make, requires very little time to make and is delicious!

Pumpkin is rich in Vitamins A, C and E as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. Only 9oz of pumpkin provides more than 700% of the recommended daily requirement for vitamin A and contains 7g of fibre.

I love the taste of Pumpkin in my roasted vegetables and soups so I decided to make it the star of the soup in this recipe :)

Recipe (2 people)

1 tsp coconut oil
1 onion (diced)
1 garlic clove (minced)
1 pumpkin (deseeded and cut into cubes)
1 1/2 cup of vegetable broth (homemade)
1/2 a can of organic coconut milk light
1 tsp curry powder
a few pinches of cumin powder
a few pinches of chili flakes
a sprinkle of rosemary 
salt & pepper to taste

- Heat coconut oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat and sauté the onion with a sprinkle of rosemary and garlic.
- Add the pumpkin cubes, curry powder, cumin powder and chili flakes.
- Pour in the vegetable broth and coconut milk and season with salt & pepper.
- Cook in a covered saucepan for around 8 minutes.
- Remove from heat and let the soup cool down.
- Blend the soup in the blender.
- Put the blended soup back in the saucepan and heat right before serving.
- Sprinkle with toasted pumpkin seeds and serve with a piece of lemon because the squeeze of lemon juice in this soup really enhances its flavours!

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

London Eats (Part II)

London is filled with healthy spots to eat! What I love most is that there are healthier options at almost any restaurant there and they can cater to your specific needs.

There are a few places (that i have mentioned in my older London Eats post) that I have to go to and can not miss! The Mae Deli and Planet Organic are always at the top of my list. 

I love getting my smoothies for my post workouts at Planet Organic that gives me a boost of nutrients for the rest of my day. I also love getting lunch from there because i can choose from a huge variety of healthy food which is always delicious. I even got a chance to try their porridge this time which i absolutely loved. Did i mention that it is only a two minute walk from our stay there?  No wonder it is my "go to"in a rush almost daily!

The Mae Deli changed their setting and I must say I liked it more before where you could choose any 5 items and enjoy everything. Now they have a set menu. I still love it though and had some very satisfying meals there :)

Duck & Waffle
This is one of my family's favourite places to dine at . It is a beautiful place with a spectacular scenery. Breakfast there was delicious. I had the porridge which they made dairy free for me. It was topped with toasted pecans, pumpkin seeds, sliced bananas and their yummy maple syrup. I would definitely go again for that porridge :D

Yo sushi 
Yo sushi happens to be one of my kids and nephews favourite restaurants. I loved how when i told them i have allergies they got me a book with all what is on the menu and a checklist of what they contain in terms of allergies so i was able to choose what suits me!! They made it so easy for me and i really enjoyed their food. I actually don't remember the name of the sushi i ordered and didn't take any pictures as i was busy with the kids getting so excited every time their favourite sushis passed by on the moving tray! The reason I'm mentioning it in my blog is to let you know that if you do end up going there you can ask them for the allergy book so its easier for you to order whats most suitable for you.

Now to my new discoveries, which i suggest you try if you happen to be in London :D

This place is so pure and clean. The menu is very simple with just a few options to choose from and everything on their menu is Gluten free, Wheat free, Refined Sugar free and Vegan (Meat, Dairy & Egg free)! The food here is amazing and it feels so good knowing that you have an entire menu to choose from without worrying about anything!

For appetizers we ordered the Grilled Aubergine & Tahini. It was so tasty and flavourful. They caramelized the aubergine with a miso glaze and topped it with toasted pine nuts, pomegranate seeds, sesame seeds and fresh micro basil. For the main course we had the Asparagus & Spinach Black Rice Risotto which contained asparagus, spinach and peas black risotto topped with salsa verde, pecan nut (replacement of parmesan) and rocket. It was so yummy!! For dessert we had the Banofee Pie which was a chewy nutty chocolate base with majdool date salted caramel topped with banana and coconut cream. It was alright, a bit too sweet for my taste. 

The second time we went we couldn't resist the Aubergine & Tahini for appetizers. For the main course we got the Maki Rolls Platter and the Temple Of Ten. The Maki Rolls platter were maki rolls filled with quinoa, avocado, enoki mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms, chives, and toasted sesame seeds with wasabi and micro red amaranth. It was alright but can not be compared to the Temple Of Ten! We absolutely loved the Temple Of Ten. it was a huge bowl of kale, red cabbage, carrots,mange tout, cauliflower, purple sweet potato, spinach, cucumber and mushrooms with chickpeas and a spicy peanut sauce!!! it was so yummy!!! We were too full that day to try any deserts.

Farmacy has to be my favourite restaurant in London. It is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It offers many delicious plant based dishes from around the globe. It supports both vegan and vegetarian diets and all dishes are free from dairy, refined sugars, additives and chemicals. I like that even though their menu is not all gluten/wheat free, you could still request for that option.

My all time favourite which i had to order every time i went there was their Artichoke Pizzeta! Pizza was one of the things that was most difficult for me to give up so being able to have a delicious pizza in a restaurant was definitely one of my dreams come true! The Artichoke Pizzeta  is served on their homemade sourdough (which is easier for digestion) with a tomato and artichoke sauce, macadamia herb "replacement of cheese", olives, capers, spinach and cherry tomatoes. 

I also like to order the Mezze Feast every time we go there because it seems to please everyone on the table. It has sprouted hummus, quinoa tabbouleh, dolmades, seed tzatziki, falafels, raw olive crackers, pickles and flat bread. Everything on the Mezze Feast is really yummy.

The Farmacy Burger happens to be my nephews and my mum's favourite. the burger is made of millet, black bean & mushroom. It is served with garlic aioli, goji ketchup, avocado, pickles & tomato served in a whole meal vegan bun (gluten free option available). It is served with a choice of sweet potato fries or regular potato fries.

My sisters favourite happens to be the Chefs Green Curry. Its so flavourful and yummy. It is made of broccoli, sugar snap peas, aubergine, mange tout & Chinese cabbage cooked with chilis, coconut, lemongrass & spices served with sprouted brown rice and coriander.

My sons favourite is the Summer Vegetable Tagliatelle which is a spelt pasta with broad beans, peas and courgettes in a herb and cashew cream sauce.

The Mexican Bowl was also good, its made of sprouted coriander rice, romaine, guacamole, frijoles, tomato ceviche, salsa and dairy free sour cream, purple potato, corn chips and dairy free chipotle mayo.

I also tried their Super Greens Soup which is made of spinach, courgette and peas blended with spirulina. It was alright, a bit too heavy.

As for desserts we tried their Nice cream brownie Sundae, Blackberry and apple crumble, sticky toffee pudding and their warm chocolate chip cookies which were all gluten free, vegan and refined sugar free with natural ingredients :) They use banana base to make the ice-creams which my family didn't love that much but i did since I'm used to having at home :) Everyone had a favourite, mine were the Nice cream Brownie Sundae and the chocolate chip cookie!

Their breakfast, brunch and drinks menu is really awesome I wish i had more time to try everything! Next time for sure :)

Señor Ceviche 
I came here with my cousins and it was our first time to try this restaurant. Señor Ceviche is a Peruvian restaurant and their menu besides maybe three dishes are all dairy and egg free!

They are famous for their Ceviches which is basically raw seafood marinated overnight in tigers milk (lime juice, sliced onions, chiles, salt and pepper with a bit of fish juice).

We tried their El Clasico and the BBQ Jerusalem artichoke and they were both so tasty that we kept on using the sauce as a dip for almost everything else that we ordered!

We really enjoyed their sweet potato fries they were made just perfect and our favourite was their Quinoa Soltero which was so good we had to order another one. It is made of black and white quinoa, mizuna (a Japanese plant that is edible and leafy),  roasted beetroots and butternut squash, hijiki seaweed, crispy shallots and sesame tofu dressing.

We loved the service and the vibes in this place, it is also in a nice area to walk around after you're done with your meal. It is certainly worth checking out if you're in London.

Its always exciting visiting London and finding out new places to add to my list :) If you have any suggestions for me to try next time please let me know!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Spinach & Mushroom Soup

I love recipes with less than five ingredients that turn out yummy and are also nutritious.

This soup is really very easy to make and takes less than 30 minutes from the time you prepare your ingredients to the time you're enjoying it with your family  :)

The main ingredients are Spinach and Mushrooms. I always have frozen organic spinach in my freezer to add into some of my smoothies and juices some times or to make a soup like this time. Spinach has very high nutritional values and also very rich in antioxidants. It contains high amounts of potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium and is also a good source of vitamins A, B2, C & K.

I used Portobello Mushrooms for this soup because of its intense flavour and meaty structure. Portobello mushrooms provide nutrients but with very low calories, low fat and high fiber contents. They are low in sodium and high in potassium which makes them great in reducing blood pressure and fighting diabetes. They also contain selenium which improves immunity, reduces tumor growth rates and prevents inflammation.

Recipe (2-3 people)

1 pack of frozen spinach
1/2 a portobello mushroom
1/2 organic vegetable cube
1/4 cup Soya Provamel cream (unfortunately not found in Oman, you can get it at most health stores around the world including UAE).
Salt & Pepper to taste
600ml water

- Boil the water
- Add mushrooms and spinach and bring to a boil again
- Keep it on low fire for 20 minutes
- Season with Salt & Pepper, cube and any other seasoning of choice and
- After it cools, blend in a blender.
- After blending, pour back in the pan and add the cream.
- re heat, garnish with parsley & serve.

I love squeezing a lemon right before having this soup to enhance its flavour :)