Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Overnight Oats

One of my favorite breakfasts!  Easy to make and the best part about it is that you make it the night before so that it is ready in the morning.

¼ cup of oats
½ cup light coconut milk
¼ mashed banana
1 TBSP yogurt (you can omit this if dairy free I sometimes omit it or sometimes use a dairy free yogurt)
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 TBSP Chia seeds
1 tsp peanut butter (any nut butter)
1 tsp unsweetened shredded coconut
¼ tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp honey, maple syrup or any sweetener of choice

You basically add these ingredients in a mason jar or any glass jar with a lid, mix it together and keep it in the fridge overnight. You can feel free to omit any of the ingredients or add additional ingredients such as flaxseeds or spirulina or anything you want, have fun with it!

You can top it off with whatever you desire. I like to top it off with some blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates, bananas and I also sprinkle some walnuts and pecans! Yum :D


  1. I've read about these a lot on the food lifestyle I'm currently doing.
    Does it matter what you put them in overnight? do they have to be sealed or would a covered bowl be ok?

    1. I only made them in sealed glass containers/jars, but i am pretty sure it will work the same in any other bowl! Let me know how it goes :)
