Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Superfoods Yummy Bowl

My Superfoods Yummy Bowl is one of my favorite breakfast meals! It is so nutritious and keeps me full for hours. It is filled with easy to digest fruits, superfoods and is so yummy!  

Basically it's green yogurt (since i don't have dairy, I use soya yogurt by the provamel brand found in Al Fair. You could use greek, coconut or homemade yogurt whatever you prefer!) I mix in 1tsp of Spirulina powder (that's what makes it green! check out my glossary). I then add 1TBSP of Chia seeds (check out my glossary) and amaranth pops. I like to top it off with whatever fruits are in season and available. This time i added half a banana, mango since it is the mango season :D, pomegranates and some frozen blueberries (i like to freeze my blueberries for their crunchiness).  I then sprinkled it with some chopped nuts (Brazilian nuts for the extra boost of vitamin E to help the release of toxins from the body, walnuts and pecans just because i love them!) and a bit of extra popped amaranth for extra crunch. Yumm!!


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