Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Apple & Pear Crumble Pie

I hope you enjoy this Pie as much as we did :) Your whole kitchen will smell like heaven while you make this! 


In a large bowl:
- Dice 3 apple and 3 pears
- Season them with 2teaspoons of Cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg
- Add the juice of one orange
- Add 2Tablespoons of Maple Syrup
Mix well and place the mixture in a greased round baking pan. Bake for 45 minutes at 170c.

Meanwhile in a another medium bowl mix the topping:
-1/2 cup of almond flour (I blend raw almonds in the food processor)
-1/2 cup of chopped pecans
-1/4 cup of Maple syrup
-2TBSP of Coconut oil

- After you take the pie out of the oven, cover it fully with the topping mixture (make sure to cover fully without gaps).

- Put it back in oven at the same temperature for another 25 minutes. (check in between to see that it doesn't get burnt). It should be browned up once its ready.

I like to drizzle 90% dark chocolate (just two blocks  for the whole pie). I like how the bitterness of the dark chocolate evens out the sweetness of the pear and apples! I also like chocolatey desserts in general so you can totally skip this part if you wish :) 

It is best eaten fresh out of the oven! Enjoy :)

I forgot to take a picture of the whole pie until i already served them on our plates, it smelt too good and was very tempting :)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Camping Eats

Full moon, shining stars and the magical blue waves is one of the reasons this camping trip was one of my favorites. However, there is something about camping trips that makes us hungry all the time! So i always make sure i am well prepared with healthy snacks for snacking guilt free throughout the trip :)

We left on Thursday afternoon, so for dinner my sister in law made pasta on the portable cooker and of course I made sure to bring organic brown rice spaghetti for all of us, it was so yummy!


Then it was snacking time. This time I made Matcha Coconut Bliss Balls, Chocolate Oat Chunks and Healthy Nutella! They were all so delicious, we had them along with fresh lemongrass tea brewed over Omani sumr (mesquite) firewood throughout the night. We also had some chips, I always have some "healthier" version of chips with me when we go camping so i don't feel left out :) This time i got some Kale chips, Potato chips and Vegetable chips. I bought them from Germany they are all organic and with minimal ingredients and of course no additives just how i like it :D


For breakfast the next day I had already prepared Overnight Oats and brought them with us in a cool box. We topped it with slices of bananas, pomegranates and homemade Granola. It was just perfect!!

For lunch my husband (with the help of our children) made us Qabooli, which is a traditional Dhofari dish. The chicken was boiled then marinated, wrapped in foil and baked over the firewood. Meanwhile the rice was being cooked. It was spectacular!!

We later had some more tea, opened up a watermelon and had some other fruits as well.


 It was such an amazing camping trip, pictures don't do justice! The best part (other than being and spending quality time with loved ones without the busy life demands) is being prepared and having healthy options and guiltless snacks with us to really enjoy :)


P.s no camping trip is complete without a book to read :)


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pea & Mint Soup

This soup is so easy to make with the simplest ingredients! The flavors of the mint mixed with the peas makes it so refreshing and aromatic.

Recipe (2-3 people)
 1/2 an Onion peeled and finely chopped
 1 Garlic clove peeled and finely chopped
 2 Celery sticks finely chopped
 3 cups of organic frozen peas (found at Lulu)
 3 TBSP of finely chopped fresh mint
 1300ml of water
 Salt & Pepper to taste
 Lemon/lime (optional but recommended!)

 - Place the onion, garlic, celery and peas in a pan and cover with 1000ml water and bring to a boil.
- Once boiling reduce the heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes.
- In a food processor blend the soup with the chopped mint until its smooth. (you might need to use the remaining 300ml of water here if it becomes too thick)
- Reheat if you like and serve immediately.
- Sprinkle with salt & Pepper.

Tip: squeeze some lemon/lime on top, it enhances the flavor of this soup :D

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Brown Rice Noodles with Vegetables and Beef

I try to limit my beef intake, however it is one of my family's favorite source of protein, this dish pleased everyone hence it's on the blog :)

You can totally omit the beef and just keep it vegetarian if you like.

As for the pasta I like choosing brown rice or quinoa/rice pasta for the kids. Once you taste it don't be surprised if you never go back to the "normal" pasta!

1TBSP coconut oil
Beef strips 
Bell peppers
Snow peas
Ginger paste
Garlic paste
Vegetable stock cube (organic and yeast free, you can find this at Alfair)
Seasonings (meat or steak seasonings, pepper & salt)

Saute the onions in the heated Coconut oil
Add a little bit of ginger and garlic
Add the vegetable stock cube
Add the beef strips
Cook for a few minutes, add the seasonings.
I had to add a little bit of water to cook the beef strips.
After the beef is almost fully cooked add the vegetables.
Finally, Add the brown rice noodles (cook as per box directions)

This dish would be excellent with Tamari which is a healthy substitute for soya sauce, unfortunately I couldn't find it here in Muscat, if anyone does please let me know :)


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hot Chocolate

I have always been a hot chocolate fan. I finally managed to make it guilt free, nutritious and oh sooo good! :D

Did you know that during menstruation many ladies crave chocolate because their bodies are actually in need of it? Chocolate is useful to rebuilding the lining of the uterus and also helps with balancing the hormones during menstruation. Of course not any chocolate! It has to be over 75% organic dark chocolate. Raw cacao has so many benefits that it is crucial to be added in your diet. Read more about raw cacao's benefits in my glossary section.

An interesting fact about cacao is that if it is mixed with any sort of dairy it inhibits the absorption of antioxidants. For my hot chocolate i like to use coconut milk and for my smoothies i choose any type of nut milk :)

Here is the recipe for my favorite drink :D

1 cup of coconut milk (rude health brand - found this at al meera, they also have many different types of delicious nut milks as well)
1 tsp of Maca powder
2 tsp of Cacao powder
A pinch of cinnamon
A drop of vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of organic maple syrup (optional)

Blend everything in the blender.
Warm it in the saucepan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Did you know that cacao contains much more antioxidants than processed dark chocolate, blue berries, acai, gogi berries and bananas?!

Not only does cacao improve our mood because of a molecule that it contains called anandamide, but it also contains PEA which triggers the release of endorphins (the happy feeling).  It also balances hormonal mood swings. The antioxidants that are found in raw cacao reduce the risk of strokes and helps improve blood circulation. It also contains an antioxidant that is found in green tea and red wine which protects our cells from premature oxidation or destruction which helps us look and feel younger for longer. 

Cacao also has one of the highest concentrations of magnesium found in natural foods which is really fantastic!! It also contains sulfur which is great for liver and pancreases function and also for shiny hair and strong nails. Cacao also reduces insulin resistance and sensitivity in people with impaired glucose tolerance and smokers.

Cacao’s benefits are endless, it aids in better digestion because of its fiber content, and it also contains healthy fats that create chemical reactions for growth, immune function and metabolic function. If you research the amount of studies and findings of how amazing raw cacao is for the body you will definitely start to incorporate it in your diet.

I prefer to choose CACAO instead of COCOA as cocoa undergoes a high temperature of heat during processing.  It is actually raw cacao but heated at high temperatures which changes its molecular structure and therefore reduces the enzyme content which lowers the overall nutritional value. They both have excellent benefits but I would recommend cacao because it retains its antioxidants.

I use cacao for so many things! My favorite is the hot chocolate (check out my breakfasts/snacks). I also use it to make shakes, overnight oats and delicious healthy deserts :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

String Beans & Mushrooms

One of my son's favorite vegetables are mushrooms so I like to incorporate it in our meals. Mushrooms are great for boosting the immune system, they have a powerful antioxidant that helps in lowering body inflammations. They also help in alkalizing the body which improves the immune system. They also aid in weight loss due to their low carbohydrate and calorie contents. Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin B, trace minerals, fiber, protein and vitamin D.

For this side dish I added mushrooms to the string beans and it was a really terrific combination :D

A handful of cashews

1TBSP of olive oil
1tsp of balsamic vinegar
crushed chili flakes (or salt and pepper)

Place the Beans and Mushrooms on a baking tray. Drizzle the dressing on top and sprinkle the cashews all over. 
Bake at 200c for 25 minutes.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Acai Energy Bowl

I have been obsessed with my Acai Bowl recently! I love how refreshing it is in the mornings. It is filled with antioxidants and it is a chance for me to add all my super foods in :D

For my Acai Bowl I blend:
-1/4 cup of organic frozen berries
-A few organic frozen strawberries
-1 frozen banana
-1tsp of Acai Powder
-A little bit of nut milk or water just to blend to the desired consistency.
-Optional: I also like to add a little bit of Spirulina and Maca Powder.

After it's all blended in the food processor, I serve it on my bowl and add all my wonderful toppings, that is my favorite and most fun part!

I like adding Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Flax seeds, Cacao nibs, Coconut shreds, sliced Bananas, Raspberries and Pomegranates, Hazelnut or Peanut butter (any mixed nut butter) and homemade Granola or some chopped Nuts. It is absolutely delicious!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Buckwheat & Quinoa Noodles with Vegetables

The most important thing in this dish is to choose healthy noodles. When I was in London this summer for vacation (check out my out&about to see my favorite healthy places to eat in London if you haven't already), I bought many different types of healthy pasta made from healthy ingredients such as Mung bean & edamame, chickpeas, lentils, black beans and so on. For this meal I used Buckwheat noodles with Quinoa.

Buckwheat is an ancient grain that is gluten free and provides high source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is high in protein and fiber with very few calories and no fat. It supports heart health, prevents diabetes and improves the digestive system. Buckwheat is similar to Quinoa where they both contain more starch and less fat then many other types of seeds which makes it easy to be replaced instead of whole grains. I have already mentioned the benefits of Quinoa in my previous post (Quinoa, Tofu & Avocado Veggie bowl with Tahini dressing). Check it out if you're interested :)

Today was one of those days where I got so busy that I completely forgot to plan our dinner so I chose this type of noodles, made some sauce and put it all together and it turned out very good! It took 15 minutes to get this ready :D

-Dice some vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper.. whatever you have in the fridge)
-Saute the vegetables in a little bit of coconut oil
-Add diced Tofu (or not) 
-Season with salt & pepper or any seasonings of your choice 
-Add blended tomato juice
-Pour it on top of your noodles
-Optional: Add some cashews


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Date and Hazelnut Smoothie

If you have a Nutribullet blender you will probable understand why I enjoy making smoothies! It is too easy, take NO time and makes no mess! I love it too much.

I usually make up things to please my cravings using whatever I have in my pantry. Today I really felt like i needed something sweet and cold and that is how this smoothie was invented :D

Here is what you need:
-1 ripe banana
-3 dates
-1/2 a cup of Hazelnut milk
-1TBSP of Hazelnut butter
-Pinch of cinnamon
-A few ice cubes
-1tsp Maca powder (optional)
Blend and Enjoy! 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Grilled Fish (Mahi Mahi) and Avocado Salad

Whenever my husband goes fishing and gets back with fish this is our lunch the next day :)

Fish is a really good source of protein as long as you limit its intake so you don't overdose yourself with Mercury! I like to marinate my fish with minimal seasonings just black pepper, Himalayan salt, lemon and turmeric powder. We then BBQ it.

For the Salad, basically whatever cut vegetables you like and an avocado. I like to add a few raisins and walnuts as well. For the dressing the basic just salt & pepper, olive oil and vinegar. I used raw coconut vinegar this time (I got this from the bio organic store in Dubai)


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Green Juice Smoothie

I love to start my days with my basic Green Juice Smoothie. It makes me feel so good and refreshed until lunch time. I usually like to have the green juice if i am in a rush or i know i will be eating somewhere outside that night with not many healthy choices.

This is what I put in my green juice:
Spinach (I like to freeze mine)
a lemon
Blue Berries (just a few frozen ones)
Chlorella, Spirulina and Vitamin C powder. 
Ice Cubes
Water (just a little bit to get everything going in the blender)

This time I added fresh coconut water instead of water since i had it available :)

It literally takes less than five minutes from start to finish!  I sometimes add other vegetables such as an avocado, broccoli, ginger, lettuce, kale. I also sometimes add other super foods such as Wheatgrass, Acaai powder, Maca powder, Flaxseeds and/or Chia seeds. As for the fruits keeping it minimal is key to get the maximum benefits of all the vegetables. I like to stick to an apple and a few blueberries to all my green juices. 

My favorite blender for making any of my smoothies has to be the NutriBullet :D I have been using it for years and anytime i try another blender i always go back to my NutriBullet, it is so simple and easy to use!

What is your favorite Green Juice? :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Dal (Lentils)

Dal has always been one of my favorite dishes since I was a child. It still continues to be one of my favorite dishes. I try to incorporate it at least once a week. It's my comfort food :)
Not only does it taste good and is so fast and easy to make, but it has so many nutritional benefits!

Lentils are an excellent source of protein that is low in fat. It lowers cholesterol, reduces heart diseases and is a great source of magnesium and folate. Lentils are one of the most alkaline proteins which makes it excellent for the digestive system. It is also a good source of carbohydrates which stabilizes the blood sugar and therefore makes it great for diabetics.

Recipe (3-4 people)
2 cups of orange lentils - wash and rinse a few times with a strainer to make sure its clean
1 tomato
1 onion
1 garlic clove
1 potato
1/4tsp of turmeric, coriander, cumin. (or any other mix seasonings you prefer)
pinch of salt
6 cups of water

-Fry the onion, tomato and garlic
-Add seasonings and salt
-Add water
-After water boils, Add the lentils
-After 10 minutes add the Potato
-Cover and leave for around 30 minutes or until it reaches the consistence that you desire

Today I had it with brown rice and salad :) So yummy!

Monday, September 5, 2016

London Eats

I noticed that during travel times many people go crazy with eating all the unhealthy foods where in fact the choices for healthy foods are endless! Of course you are on vacation and it is nice to indulge here and there but balance is key :)

Our favorite healthy spots in London this time were Planet Organic, The Mae's Deli, Whole Foods, The Good Life Eatery, Busaba Eathai, Yorica and the Juice Smith at Harrods food hall. I will also add my favorite fast food (wok to walk) to this list. There are many other places on my list to try but unfortunately we only had 10 days so we could not fit in anymore. 

Planet Organic
This was my "almost" every morning stop for breakfast! I would start my day with their Green Machine Smoothie which consists of apple, banana, broccoli, spinach, parsley, mint, ginger, spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass and chlorella. It was so good and fresh that i could not wait to have it the next morning! It gave me so much energy until lunch time, it was definitely the perfect start to my days!

I would sometimes have it with a chocolate and Brazil nut muffin by crayve's handmade and organic foods. Their muffins are made a of a few healthy ingredients that are free from wheat, gluten, egg, dairy, soya, yeast and has no added sugar!

Planet Organic also also has an amazing healthy lunch option where you can choose anything on their lunch menu until there is no space on your plate so you get to try many of their healthy and delicious items!
I tried their zoodle salad, squash and lentil roast cauliflower & chickpeas, sprouted brown rice, cauliflower curry, vegetable stir fry and some sweet potato wedges. It was so flavorful and very filling.

As for snacks I tried Lily & Hanna's raw food ice cream that they store in their freezer and I must say it was delicious! They have only a few ingredients and many different flavors, i got the chocolate love energy to satisfy my chocolate needs :D

I also did some shopping there. They have a huge selection of healthy EVERYTHING! I went there almost daily if not for breakfast, lunch or snack I would buy some of their healthy amazing stuff to bring back home with me. I must say that it was a two minute walk from our apartment which made it very easy to access :)

The Mae's Deli
I can't say enough about Mae's Deli!! Perfection is what this deli is. The food there is so clean, healthy and delicious. The ambience is very relaxed and chilled out. The owner of this Deli is a famous blogger who has been one of my inspirations so i felt blessed to get a chance to try out her Deli (and also meet her at wholefoods!).

My family and I came here for breakfast a few times and once for lunch. Every visit met our satisfaction. 
My husband enjoyed their Porridge with some mixed seeds, Mae's granola and maple syrup. It was made to perfection. He also loved their Tropical Berry smoothie and their Matcha Latte.
My son's favorites were the smashed Avocado on rye Toast with rocket, chili, lemon and also their Peanut Butter on Toast.
My daughter had the banana & coconut pancakes with berry and apple compote, maple syrup and coconut chips. My favorite was the Acai bowl topped with their Mae Granola, Peanut Butter and banana slices. It was so delicious that it inspired me to try making my own Acai bowl as soon as i got back to Oman (I will share the recipe soon). The Avocado on toast was also one of my favorites and of course their famous pecan brownie!


For lunch they had a cool option where you can choose any four items on their menu. I got their brown rice with coconut and cauliflower curry, falafels and two types of salad. It was very yummy!

Whole Foods 
Whole foods has always been my favorite place to buy groceries from when we lived in the states a few years back. So when we go to London I love to visit Whole Foods at Kensington so i can buy all my favorite items to take back home with me. The healthy food items there has no limit! I stocked my self with healthy pastas made from one ingredient such as lentil, black bean, Mung. I also got some snacks, teas, healthy chocolates and a bunch of superfoods such as Acai powder, Chlorella, Spirulina, Maca powder, Cacao nibs, Gogi berries, Hemp seeds, Flax seeds and Chia seeds to add into my morning smoothies and oatmeal bowls :D I also got some probiotics and vitamins.

We spent a few hours there and when we got hungry we went upstairs where they have their healthy food court. I ordered an Edamame burger (gluten/wheat/dairy and egg free bun) with roasted sweet potatoes.

The Good Life Eatery
The good life eatery has a really big menu with so many options to try from. My husband enjoyed their Granola bowl and I enjoyed their coconut chia pudding from the fridge. 

Busaba Eatthai
Busaba Eatthai is a modern Thai restaurant with 12 locations in London. We just happened to enter this restaurant by chance because by the time we left the Lion King show near Covent Garden it was late, we were so hungry and it happened to be right near the Covent Garden Tube Station.

I am so glad that we came here because their food was so delicious! They even had healthy options for me which made me so happy! I had the brown rice noodles with fresh vegetables and Tofu. It was made to perfection and I enjoyed every single bite of it so had to include it on my list :)

Yorica is known for their healthy and clean ingredients that are free from allergens such as dairy,nuts and refined sugar. I got the chocolate frozen yogurt with some mangoes. It was pretty good :)

Juice Smith
I was very excited to find this place at Harrods food court. They have an amazing selection of very healthy juices, deserts and snacks. Their Matcha Green Juice and their chocolate ganache were yummy!


Wok to Walk 
Wok to walk is a fast food (Asian food) where they stir fry and wok to cook. It is one of the yummiest "healthier than most other fast foods" I've had! They have a huge variety for vegans.
Step 1: is to choose one of their bases. They have jasmin rice, whole grain rice, egg noodles, rice noodles, udon noodles or a vegeterian dish. They then add a large variety of fresh vegetables and egg if you like.
Step 2: is to choose a type of their big selection of protein which includes steaks, duck, chicken, seafood and tofu.
Step 3: is to choose one of their sauces.
I love how they meet the needs of every individual's needs with their variety of selections!

We were at a fast food place to not spend too much time and we ended up spending a long time because my son was determined to eat with chopsticks (he's still learning) :D

Everywhere you go in London it is easy to find healthy/vegan options. What is you favorite healthy spots to eat in London? :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Black Bean & Lentil Pasta

I love those pastas, Black bean or lentils are the only ingredient in them! My favorite is the lentil pasta but i like to mix both sometimes. You can find them in Sultan Center sometimes here in Oman, at health stores such as the bio organic store in Dubai and almost any health store around the world! They are becoming very popular because they taste so good, are so filling and you feel like you are eating "real" pasta!

You boil the Pasta as it says in the package (around 6-8 minutes), drain it and then add whatever sauce you like. The AvoPesto sauce will be yummy with this dish (check out my AvoPesto sauce on my previous post).

Today I felt like having it with homemade marinara sauce with steamed vegetables and spiraled zucchini. It is a simple dish that takes a few minutes to put together, tastes good and will keep you full from all the fiber in the black bean and lentils!

For the marinara sauce, I just blended tomatoes in the blender and then added it to sauteed onions and garlic on a pan, I also added 1tsp of tomato paste, some seasonings and a few basil leaves.

That's it :)

Note: For my kids, i like to add lentil pasta to their brown rice pasta to make it more colorful and nutritious.

Monday, August 8, 2016


You probably have noticed that many of my breakfasts include Oatmeal! 

Oatmeal is a great carbohydrate and protein source that could provide you the calories and energy that you need to go throughout your busy mornings. It is also full of fiber which will keep you full for long. It is the perfect way to start your day because it maintains your insulin level, stabilizes your blood sugar so it does not spike up.  Because of its low glycemic index, it prevents diabetes. it also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Oatmeal contains lignans which protects against heart diseases and cancers. It also enhances immune responses to diseases and promotes antioxidant activity. Oatmeal also reduces appetite which helps weight control. Could I say anything more?!

I love how Oatmeal is so versatile! If you know you will have an early and busy morning you can always prepare it the night before (check out my overnight oats post if you haven't already). There are so many ways to eat your oatmeal! You can change the consistency by adding more or less milk or/and water and changing the type of milk (oats, rice or any nut milk). The best part is that you can always change the taste by the way you top it (fruits, dried fruits, nuts, sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup, granola, nut butters, coconut shreds, cacao nibs, chocolate chips, coconut chips.. etc,)!

You can even add it to soups to thicken it. You can make healthy cupcakes, energy bars/balls, cookies, pancakes (check out my pancake post if you haven't already) and smoothies with it! It enhances the flavor of anything you add it to and also increases its nutritional values :) Oatmeal recipe's are endless! 

How do you like to have your oatmeal in the morning?